
Check it out!! If you would please look towards the very top of the page, you will find two extra separate pages that are entitled, “Production One and Production Two.” These tabs are the very shows I actually went to see during the time of this class! Both productions are the talent of professionals at well-respected theaters in PA!

 Please take a chance to check out these two tabs, which will give you an overview of the play, pictures, and a better view of each play so that someday you can learn about productions too!

It’s almost as if you’re waiting for a production to start, huh?

Hello fellow viewers of my blog! I am here to tell you that this blog is not only a creative keepsake that I will always have, but it is also a reflection of what I have obtained in my theater class at IUP this summer! Theater 101 has taught me what a director does during a production, how an actor can be casted to play in a production, what talent an actor has to have, as well as the designers, lights, and action that go into the ENTIRE production!

Before when I sat down at a production, I never thought so many team members were apart of the work behind the production. There are details that go into the texture of the floor, the material of the costumes, and the make up on the actors faces! I have learned that it is indeed amazing what these people of production do in order to produce something for our, the audiences, pleasure!

So – let me let you in on a little secret. Over the weeks of this theater course, I have been asked to produce a final project. This final project will show my professor what I have learned during this class and how I can apply it. After given many choices of what to do, I decided to create a blog which would hold a short play that I wrote myself! I thought that after reading so many plays, going  to see them, and learning about them, that I would take on my own challenge. I found that it extremely difficult to come up with an interesting playwright. It amazes me how these productions that we watch and that I have watched, which are so funny and captivating, are first started on paper. Although I know my playwright will never see the stage, it was so much fun creating it. I even began to imagine the characters on stage, what costumes they would wear, the lighting that would occur, and of course, stage design. It was such a treat writing this play and I hope those who read it, enjoy it as well! Here is the assignment in a clearer picture (taken from our syllabus):

“A second option could be the writing of a short play (no longer than 10 pages, double-spaced). You would be expected to create this play as either a climactic play to “tell a story” with a clear beginning, middle and end to the dramatic action. ”

Let the learning from this theater class be shown! 😉